The Final Paper SAT®: Guiding Your Choice in the New Digital Era

Big news on the SAT front – we've bid farewell to the paper test as of December 2. The change may seem a bit daunting, perhaps, but it’s exciting nonetheless. Let's dive into how this change impacts your student's test prep journey.

Deciding Between SAT and ACT: A Strategic Choice

Scored below 1000 on the SAT? It might be time to consider the ACT. It's a bit like choosing between tennis and badminton – both require skill, but each suits different players.

The Crucial Role of English Scores: An EBRW score under 500 can be a pivotal factor. If a student is scoring under 500 on the EBRW section, the ACT often aligns better with that student's abilities. In this range, students are able to make bigger jumps on the English & Reading sections of the ACT rather than the SAT.

Here’s an easy chart to help you out:

The Best Time to Start SAT Prep: A Calculated Approach

Starting SAT or ACT prep? A solid foundation in Algebra 2 is key. We typically recommend that students have completed at least half of Algebra 2 before beginning a serious prep plan.

The "SAT Sweet Spot": Maximizing Potential

If your student's score is in the 1100-1300 range, they're in the SAT sweet spot. These students often show the biggest improvements, as they have a solid foundation and an incredible ability to absorb and apply material.

Exclusive Offer: Jumpstart Your Preparation!

If your student is in an appropriate SAT range (as determined after reading this blog), be sure to visit No BS Prep and use the code BLOG10 for 10% off our dSAT self-paced prep platform. It's an opportunity to gain a competitive edge in this new digital era.

Closing Remarks

Every student's journey is unique, and finding the right path is key. Whether it's the SAT or the ACT, what matters most is playing to their strengths and preparing strategically.

Feel free to reach out with any questions or for advice on your student's SAT/ACT journey. Together, we can conquer this new digital landscape! You can reach out with any questions on our site ( or on my Facebook page (Jackie Pollina SAT Prep).

Looking forward to helping your students achieve their best!


PSAT® Scores Are Out - Now What?! 🤔